Sunday, September 14, 2008

Break Fast Gathering II @ Cik Ju’s

September 13, 2008

Just like last week, we had another gathering for break fast on Saturday. This time it is at Cik Ju’s. Yes Dada, there were loads and loads of home cooked food. Har – har

Here are some pictures…

And as requested I bought my big giant lasagna again. And again it was finished by the end of the day.

Big giant lasagna

And as before, we gather to catch up with what’s happening, though this time round, there were a couple of hot topics being discussed being our annual family day, the grocery list for Raya and what color should we pick for Dada’s wedding. I think we sort of agreed with green and purple.

The ladies

The man

Me in the “Jubah” my brother bought from Qatar

Hmm maybe I should run a poll here as to what color should it be, as soon as I figure out how to put it in my blog that it.


New Fool said...

Hi Miss Q. Quirky. I would like a breakfast gathering one day. I have never been to one.

Miss Quixotically Quirky said...

Hi new fool, welcome to my blog. It is rather nice to find out that there are peeps (family members and loving friends aside) that reads the ranting and venting of a quirky maiden.

You wish for a breakfast gathering??, that can be arranged, definately. I so love to have long breakfast that encompasses lunch as well with friends during the