Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lasagna, lasagna, big giant lasagna

Hmm I am so in love with the fasting month. Amongst other because this is the month when I get to gather and meet up with my extended family almost every weekend.

It has been a tradition of ours to gather on the weekend for to break fast together. After that we will hold the “Maghrib”. “Terawih” & “Ishyak” Prayers together. Then we will continue eating, well some of us anyways. Whilst others would just chit chat, some to catch up with gossips ehmm updates I mean, whilst others probably hatching up some devious plans.

Mum on her 3rd round

Gossips gossips and more gossips and add a devious plan or two

The uncles would not want to be left out would they, so they decide to have one of their own as well

Usually as it is a customs here, when we go to someone’s house we will not go empty handed. Usually we would try to bring something. For many many years, I would be bringing fruits and things that I bought from any of the many stalls mushrooming up during the fasting month

But of late, most of the time I will try to bring something which I made. Today I decided to make lasagna. It was really a huge lasagna. It took 4 people to turn it in the oven.

It turns out to be a hit that I was asked by my aunt to make the same lasagna for her house next week. Yeay me so happy.

Here’s the picture or what’s left of it and as informed by a little bird, an hour after the picture was taken, it was all finished.

Some of the other offering we had during the break fast


anne said...

Selamat Berpuasa babe!

Miss Quixotically Quirky said...

Dear Anne,


Selamat berpuasa to you too. So bila nak buka sesama???

By they way, bila you balik KL. Been visiting your blog tapi tak de update. You were at Kedah I supposed...