Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hello... I am back.....

I know, I know...
I have neglected you for so long... for that I am dearly sorry.
Lots have been happening in my life, non more so earth shattering than the fact that I finally manage to end a long relationship that as the days go by is suffocating.

Funny how you never thought that you and your work is an evolving relationship. It is a relationship that you pour most of your waking time into. You don't believe me.. count how many hours you spend at work and bringing work home...

It is time for me to go in search of new experience and challenge. The passion is gone... or rather suppressed and killed a slow painfull death. Thus separation is the kindest thing I could choose for everyone.

Significant with my decision, I am now starting to write again. I will put up the countdown counter until I start at my new place soon (when I figure out how to do it..that is).

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