Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Melancholy Me….I know not why but I do anyway

I know not why the sky is gray
But cloudy they stayed like the darkest day
I know not why they seems that way
But they do anyway

I know not why I miss you so
But miss you I do every second of the day
I know not why I feel this way
But I do anyway

I know not why life is full of challenge
But challenged I am every waking moment
I know not why it is this way
But face them I do everyday

I know not what decision to make
But make it I would sooner that later
I know not how my journey will end
But journey I will for it is god’s bidding

I know not that my castle is mine
But I go home to it everyday
I feel not the warmth I long to embrace
But I promise to seek it for the rest of my days

Why oh why do I feel this way
Sad and gloomy every other day
I do not want to feel this way
Melancholy Me please don’t stay


Anonymous said...

you need to leave that dungeon. cheer up babe. lets do coffee soon.

Miss Quixotically Quirky said...

Hi Jill,

I do need to leave the dungeon(s). Its plural for I am stuck in more than one dungeons.

As for coffee how about tomorrow. Can't today got some errand to run or maybe friday. Am thinking of taking one day off this friday. Call/sms. Should invite Anne as well

Anonymous said...

gapo gak gini jadi

Miss Quixotically Quirky said...

The cause of the melancholy will always be the usual suspects.

Will talk to you about it when we meet. as a matter of fact that was why I called you that night... was feeling pretty suicidal.. muahaha eh salah, actually pretty murderous....