Monday, July 28, 2008

I never learn do I…? Bukit Tinggi August 26 & 27 Part One

It was not enough that I ran down the stairs for 48 floors during
the conference in Bangkok(blog entry May 17, 2008) I had to
volunteer myself this time around for another extraneous activity...
Yes I actually voted for it, why or why my dear do you like to suffer....sucker!!!!!!!!!!

After much planning the trip planned for my practice unit is
finally upon me. To be honest I am not really into going
but then I supposed once a while you would have to join.
They all agreed to go to Bukit Tinggi.
Surprisingly when we arrived, I kindly like the surrounding.

We went to a place called Colmar Tropicale, it actually fashioned
based on a French village. It is actually kind of nice.
I think will plan one trip with my family up here after raya.
I am sure mum will love it. It is also a place for a weekend
retreat if you just want to relax and do nothing. Must of the
people in my unit are below 30 so naturally most of them wants
loads of activities. Here’s the itinerary, you guys
those above 30) see and tell me what do you think

First Day-The Planned
Gather at Genting Sempah stop at 8.30am. Arrive at 9.30am,
have breakfast and start Jungle tracking at 10am.
Check in and lunch at 12.30pm and bowling at 3.00pm.
BBQ dinner at 8.30pm

Second Day-The Planned
Breakfast starts at 7am. Gather at the pick up area
at 10am to go to the Japanese Garden & Rabbit Farm.
12pm check out.

OMG… are you guys kidding??? And this is what
actually happened

First Day-What Happened
Gather at Genting Sempah stop at 8.40am. Arrive at 9.30am,
have breakfast and start Jungle tracking at 11am
finished at 1.30pm
(The bloody jungle tracking took two and a half hours).
Check in and lunch at 2.30pm and bowling at 4.30pm.
BBQ dinner at

Second Day-The Planned
Breakfast starts at 9am. Gather at the pick up
area at 10.30am to go to the Japanese Garden &
Rabbit Farm (Only 6 showed up the rest
including me bailed muahahaha…I just sat and
had my French breakfast without any care
for the world and the plan).
12.30pm check out.

When we arrived at the actual place, I was very impressed with
the view. It is rather pretty and at certain points reminds me
of Europe. Ahhh how I wish I am actually in Europe. As always,
when going in groups like this, itinerary hardly matters.
Gone with the wind, we just keep taking pictures though
Madam Organizer did look a bit worried……..

As to what happened after this keep reading... In my next post.

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