Friday, May 29, 2009

The one when Miss Q went missing – A snapshot of my life in the past 6 months Part 11

Enjoyed My Family Day won the “Best Dressed Award” Duh???

I cannot remember when, I cannot remember how, but it is now a yearly
tradition for the Ghaffur family to have our family day.
It is usually 2 days events which starts with a dinner and quiz sessions.
My team lost this year.. we collected (-1300) points… how did we managed
to get negative points.. don’t ask, just don’t ask ok….

We will have some sporty activities.
This year it was the go-cart race.
Oh before I forget, there are about 50 of us and we
are divided into groups… this group stays.. no changes allowed…

After the games, we will proceed to have the
closing ceremony, this would be hi-tea and
award ceremonies. We have silly things like best
dressed, gifts for those who won the quiz and games
and numerous others. It is loads of fun… and I am
looking forward for this years’ family day.
We are planning to go to Singapore this year. I cannot wait.

They say a picture tells a thousand stories… so here are some…..

Here are some more pics... loads of fun.. I love it!!

My Aunt still laughing re my -1300 points score on the
quiz last night

When Shopping Crazy in Medan
I took some leave and went to Medan, with my best
friend Muzi and my sis Dada. I don’t really want
to say loads about this trip except, good food, good
shopping, good company all equals to one hell of a
good time….

Here are some pictures I took during the trip.
I am sure the enjoyment is evidenced with the wide
smiles each of us wore on our face!!!

Begining of our journey.. at the airport

The damages.... muahahahaha shop shop shop till the
shopkeeper had to close the shop just for you and
your friends... he also served up some cool coke!!!


Suria Zainuddin said...

huhuuhuh i wanna shop like that some more .... good fun

Suria Zainuddin said...

lama nyer tak update ........